5 May 2012

Since the publication of the External Auditor's Report in the Public Interest, Somerton's Old Guard have kept up an almost continuous barrage of bile and venom at Town Council meetings. The thrust of their effort seems to be an attempt to deflect attention from the damning Audit Commission report by asking questions about the basis of the Police enquiry which, if you remember, kicked off with the arrest of 4 individuals, Calderwood, Canvin, Edgar and Keenan. The soundtrack behind this strategy has been made up by their strident claims that 'no-one listens to them' or 'no-one understands how things were done in Somerton'.

Well, I have given two of the major players the opportunity to clarify the situation. I have written to both Canvin and Edgar and offered both the opportunity to explain the situation from their viewpoint and have their explanations, supported by the documentary evidence that is claimed to exist, published here on Muck&Brass. On the sidebar to the right there is a new section titled 'evidence in contradiction' where the douments will be published when they are made available.

I'm looking forward to the next Town Council meeting on Tuesday coming and I hope that Somerton's Old Guard , instead of hurling abuse, start to present the evidence that they claim exists. Otherwise their protestations of 'innocence' might just start to wear a little thin.

Till next time, I'm still Niall Connolly