3 May 2012

More press coverage

The appearance of M&B's half page advert in last week's issue of the Western Gazette has had an interesting effect, apart, that is, from significantly ramping the blog's hit count. A journalism website picked up on the story and I decided to call the editor, Paul Linford, to learn about their interest.

It turned out that 'Hold the front page' wasn't really interested in the story itself, more in the fact that the protagonists were using paid for adverts to get their message across. Paul commented that this sort of dialogue would normally be presented in the editorial columns rather than in adverts and that caused me to wonder about the Western's coverage of the Somerton Saga.

Recently, the Western has contacted me for my comments, particularly in response to Katrina Raybould's self-interested suggestion that M&B was maintaining some sort of perceived rift in the community and that it should (be) shut down. I did provide a very short and pithy response to Raybould's comments and I noticed that it was not carried by the Western which did make me wonder just how balanced was the editorial judgement of the Western.

And maybe 'Hold the front page' has a point - if the Western Gazette had a more robust editorial policy then issues such as the Somerton Saga might be given a more balance presentation. At present, the Western seems to focus on the public 'knock-about' at Council meetings where Somerton's 'Old Guard' give vent to their bile and hatred in the most unpleasant manner. If the Western took a more balanced and thoughtful stance, maybe Raybould and her 'Old Guard' chums would be less likely to indulge their basest instincts.

Till next time, I'm Niall Connolly