9 May 2012

A fresh start.........

This evening saw something of the changing of the guard at Somerton Town Council with the election of a new Chair and Vice-Chair to the Council. The new Chair, Eirian Williams, is relatively new to the Council but a Somertonian of some 25 years and something of a 'new broom'. Reflecting on the troubles that the town has faced over the last three years, Eirian set out his stall as one of bridge-building and conciliation and, in this, he has something of an advantage in that he isn't associated with one side or the other with regard to the Council's recent history. He also made it clear that he wouldn't tolerate the kind of behaviour that has blighted Council meetings in recent months.

Speaking personally, I wish him well and I hope that the Council can, and will be allowed to, get on with its business without having to deal, over and over again, with the recent past.

Till next time, I'm still Niall Connolly