18 May 2012

Another claim to fame.....

This week's edition of the Western Gazette carries a report of last week's Town Council meeting where Eirian Williams was elected Chairman of Somerton Town Council. But the interesting piece related to three complaints which had been lodged against Cllr Fraser-Hopewell and Cllr Pat Bennett and it is fair to assume that these complaints were lodged by member's of Somerton's illustrious Old Guard. The Western reports that these complaints have been dismissed by South Somerset District Council's Standards Sub-Committee and the complaints are described (by whom?) as 'an abuse of the complaints procedure'.

So now we have 'abuse of the complaints procedure' to add to 'abuse of public funds' and 'unlawful expenditure'. Somerton's Old Guard are on a roll here. What other awards will they collect in the future?

Till next time, I'm still Niall Connolly