31 October 2010

Sorry Brian.......

The Western Gazette, possibly surprisingly, did a reasonable piece (see below - double click for a larger view) about the two candidates in the upcoming Somerton election and it really comes down to a choice between the old (and discredited) and the new (and untried).

Brian Raybould is, I am quite sure, a decent person but his performance as a member of the Keenan/Canvin administration showed him to be a poodle, led by the nose into voting to buy the Tin Dunny (aka Edgar Hall). Being embedded in the local business community doesn't do very much for me these days because it implies all the cosy relationships that typefied the Keenan/Canvin years and Brian certainly reflects that sort of exclusive culture.

On the other hand, Sharon Coates is younger, with a professional legal background, and seems keen to get involved with the Council. Her perspective, as a young mother, places her close to the ground floor of the community and gives her direct access to the community's concerns.

For me, its a simple choice and my view is influenced by whether or not the candidates are likey to be part of Somerton's 'old guard' and buisness network. The old Town Council cared little for the wider community and spent too much time enabling the business community and, in particular, development interests. Had Brian Raybould done anything to explain his part in the activities of the old Town Council then I would have been faced with a harder choice. As it is, Sharon Coates is well qualified to act in the best interests of the whole of the community and, importantly, she isn't tainted by association with the Keenan/Canvin administration.

But it isn't up to me, its up to you and, whatever the outcome, I hope that the successful candidate will remember that they are there to serve the whole of the community, not just their friends and associates.

Till next time, I'm Niall Connolly

PS Success or failure, people can carry-on supporting their community by good works. In fact, maybe thats the way to go.