3 February 2010

Another one from my file.....

The tsunami of information continues to produce little nuggets and insights into the workings of the Old Somerton Town Council. In August of 2008, not long before the deal to swap the Etsome land for the Tin Dunny, I wrote to Somerton Town Council and asked some probing questions about, amongst other things, the Etsome sale. To save you looking it up, the letter I wrote is reproduced below:

I never received a reply to this letter but Somerton Town Council, in the form of the two-headed Keenan/Canvin, certainly gave it some thought. So much so that they instructed their Clerk to pen a missive to a firm of solicitors in order that the firm of solicitors could refuse to answer my enquiries. An extract of the letter to the solicitors is reproduced below:

So, what I learn from this is that the Old Somerton Town Council (aka the Keenan/Canvin regime) didn't want to answer the questions and clearly hoped that some explanation of the procedures would buy me off. What is strange is that the solicitors never got around to writing to me and the questions remain unanswered today. But, with the thaw in relations, I'm hoping to finally receive answers to these questions and I'll be publishing the information here.

But I'd point you to question 5 in my original letter and tell you that the answer to that question is 'No'.

Till next time, I'm Niall Connolly