5 January 2010

Dont be fooled.......

It has been drawn to my attention that there is an effort to seriously pervert the course of our local democracy here in in Somerton. As many people are aware there is another website which is dedicated to, "Exposing falsehoods and lies......" and "Revealing untold truths.........". At present this website carries a banner informing its readers that Election Day in Somerton is the 8th of January (ie this coming Friday) when, in fact, Polling Day is on the 7th.

Please don't be fooled by this blatant and criminal attempt to pervert the course of the election that Somerton has fought so hard to hold. Please don't be fooled by this 'old guard' attempt to deny the electorate its day at the polling booth.

Vote on the 7th and tell the 'old guard' that they are not part of Somerton's future irrespective of their lies and deceit. Vote on the 7th and give the new candidates, those not tainted by association with the Keenan/Canvin administration, give those new candidates the chance to chart a new future for the community of Somerton.

Use your vote wisely and use it on the 7th January.
