31 October 2009

Was that 15 minutes?

The last three days have been very busy here in sleepy old Somerton but the media circus has now left and its time for a little reflection.

What has become obvious, in the wider response to this blog, is the very real dissatisfaction that is felt by so many people across the UK and beyond, with regard to the performance of those who are meant to represent us. That dissatisfaction is real and it is based on the experiences or ordinary people, ordinary people who our leaders seek to ignore in pursuit of their own agendas.

The reaction to this blog, at a local level, has been varied and I have to recognise that my actions have visited threats, violence, abuse, smashed windows and burning cars on my partner and, for causing her such anguish, I doubt I will ever be able to truly apologise.

I'd like to thank friends and acquaintances in Somerton, and further afield, for their support. When I was sweeping up the broken glass it was their phone calls and quiet visits, with words of encouragement, that made me feel that this was worth the stretch. I can never repay their kindnesses.

But the real heros of the Somerton story are the ordinary men and women who have, in the last few months, stood up against the old guard. Those ordinary people are the heart of this story because it is they who have been abandoned and ignored by the local leadership. It was their frustration that finally broke through and it was their presence on Tuesday evening that caused the leadership to resign. It was their applause, when the resignations came, that was the voice of the people. The Somerton story is a reflection of their courage and commitment and they now have the opportunity to mould the future to their will. It is an opportunity that they have worked for and that they deserve. It is an opportunity that everyone needs to support.

Till next time, may your God go with you.
